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Debt Management

New issue structuring with DebtBook’s Sizing feature

See the impact of new financing options on your outstanding debt portfolio

  • Structure new money issues
  • Analyze and compare financing options within DebtBook
  • Incorporate accurate yield curves via live pricing data from MBIS
  • Turn scenarios into verified debt issuances

Over 2,100 government & nonprofit organizations are using DebtBook to modernize how they work

Treasury teams have a serious data management challenge.

We hear it all the time:

“We have no single source of information.”
“Turnover in key roles is creating serious risk.”
“Our lack of visibility into our data stops us from being strategic.”

But with DebtBook, data can go from being your biggest pain point to your best weapon.

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We’re giving you the keys to financial structuring

DebtBook’s Sizing tool gives issuers the keys to financial structuring, allowing treasury teams to structure, compare, and analyze financing options to see the potential impact of new money issues or fixed-rate loans on their outstanding debt portfolio.

With Sizing, we're providing treasury teams with in-house access to powerful structuring capabilities that most organizations have not historically had.

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How you can use Sizing:


Structure new money issues

Leverage our Sizing module to structure new money issues with level debt, level debt wrap, and level principal structures, along with fixed rate loans.

Analyze financing options within DebtBook

Layer proposed issues into your existing DebtBook profile to see how additional debt may impact coverage, covenants, and/or project affordability.

Compare financing scenarios

View financing options side-by-side to quickly and easily understand how changes to inputs affect a scenario’s output.

Turn scenarios into verified debt issuances

Determine the best structure for your entity within Sizing and seamlessly add new debt issuances to your profile.

See how it works

Watch Now

Strengthen your debt management
capabilities with Sizing



Filter views of your portfolio so you can easily analyze your outstanding par across type, purpose, and fund


Simplified continuing disclosure management for your ACFR


Automatically generated journal entries at the portfolio, series, or fund level


Refunding tracking that builds a true lineage of every bond issue in your debt portfolio


Automated financial reporting with exports, charts, and summaries compatible with Excel


Historical and future loan tracking to let you easily see the lifetime of a loan


Schedule creation functionality that lets you generate and store valid amortizations, payments, and outstanding debt schedules


Unlimited internal and external seats so you can share access across your team or directly with your auditor


Unlimited internal and external seats so you can share access across your team or directly with your auditor



Structure, compare, and analyze new financing options, all within your DebtBook profile


Seamlessly utilize your DebtBook portfolio as an input when sizing different scenarios


Cloud-based access so internal and external team members can work on sizing projects from anywhere


Comprehensive version history to track every scenario your team has worked on for easy reference and record keeping


Incorporate accurate yield curves by leveraging live pricing data via an MBIS integration.

Watch: Auto Categorization

See, in two minutes how our auto categorization feature allows you to easily build accurate and reliable cash forecasts so that you can invest and borrow more strategically and thereby improve your financial performance.

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How Milwaukee is modernizing new issue structuring with DebtBook

“I can basically send a new senior financial analyst to the tool and say, ‘Create five different scenarios with these assumptions,’ and I feel confident that they could get me something within an afternoon.”

Joshua Benson, Capital Finance Manager
City of Milwaukee

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How difficult will the software be to use?

We know, no matter how powerful our system is, it won’t be of any benefit to you if it’s too difficult to use. So we offer:

  • A user-friendly design that balances simplicity and depth
  • DebtBook University, a robust library of dozens of training courses, updated quarterly
  • A platform, according to McHenry County, IL that’s “really intuitive” and “easy for anybody to understand.”

For the City of Vista, this ease of use pays dividends come audit time:

“With a system as easy to use as DebtBook, I can feel confident giving my auditors access, knowing they will get the information they need without needing my assistance or waiting on a response from me. This saves me, and our auditors, a ton of time during audit season.”

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“With DebtBook’s Sizing feature, I'm very excited that I don't have to rely on my municipal advisor for every little number run.”

“I'm the type of person who likes to tinker. I like to see different options, I like to tweak them to get to where I want to go. And I understand that it can be a little cumbersome for them to give 10 different scenario requests and then five more and then maybe another three as you're fine tuning things.

So having that ability to do that in-house with DebtBook, not having to build out the cumbersome and ugly debt sizing in Excel, is something I'm very excited for moving forward.”

Joshua Benson
Capital Finance Manager, City of Milwaukee

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Why should I partner with DebtBook?

At DebtBook, we believe we stand apart from the competition and are committed to being a trusted partner to you with staying power.

  • The only cloud-based platform designed specifically for government and nonprofit teams
  • Over 2,100 government & nonprofit customers
  • 125+ employees
  • SOC 1 & 2 data integrity and security compliance and single sign-on functionality
  • Built by public finance professionals
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